Belgorod Apples. Белгород


Our company Belgorod apples has a great honor and pride to share with you our latest successes! Recently we took part in the 5th anniversary international exhibition "PRO APPLE", which was held in Mineralnye Vody.

Belgorod apples were marked by the Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov. He visited our booth and showed great interest in our products. We discussed with him the development plans of our company and the possibilities of cooperation with regional authorities.

And that's not all! We became the winners of the competition and received a grant from the Organica Foundation. This is a huge recognition of our work and the quality of our products.

We are grateful to our partners, customers and people who support us for believing in our company and products! We will continue to work hard to offer you only the freshest and tastiest apples while maintaining high quality standards.

Follow the news and don't miss our participation in future exhibitions and events! Thank you for being with us!