Belgorod Apples. Белгород

Ripening period: winter

Fruit size: large

Fruit shape: rounded, slightly conical at the top

Peel: thin, smooth, with a coating, is covered in a protective layer of wax

Subcutaneous points: large; rare, with characteristic merging white stripes, which give the fruit a marbled color

Taste: sour-sweet

Pulp: cream, juicy, dense; by the end of the storage period it becomes loose.

Purpose: used fresh; used for cooking jam, for juicing

Fruit yield: long-term yields in the original parts of the Kuban are 30-40 t/ ha. Yields of 50 t/ ha were also noted

Color: light green, with a bright crimson or dark carmine blush with thick stripes and strokes on most of the surface

Flavor: faint

Beginning of fruiting: on medium-sized rootstocks for the 5-6th year

Frost resistance:  medium

Scab resistance: medium

Removable ripeness: last decade of September

Storage period: 5-6 months in refrigeration (February-March)

Belgorod, Kostyukova st. 39, of. 78